xws4j binding tutorialThis is a very quick introduction to xws4j client stub generation. Skim read it to get an idea of how simple it is to create a binding for an XMPP IO Data service. I'm sure you'll have questions afterwards. Create a client stub (XMPP IO Data service binding) for a certain XMPP service function with the batch binder tool: java -classpath "..." net.bioclipse.xws.binding.BatchBinder <clientJID> <pwd> <host> <port> <serviceJID> <functionName> <targetDirectory> <compileSrc> <classpathStr> Example:
java -classpath "xws4j-current.jar;xws4j-binding-current.jar;jso-full.jar;ecj-3.4.1.jar;jsr173_1.0_api.jar;resolver.jar;xbean.jar;xbean_xpath.jar;xmlbeans-qname.jar;xmlpublic.jar;rt.jar" net.bioclipse.xws.binding.BatchBinder user@myserver.example.net/bio secret myserver.example.net 5222 database.server.example.com getProteinSequence c:/my-binding-files/ false "jsr173_1.0_api.jar;resolver.jar;xbean.jar;xbean_xpath.jar;xmlbeans-qname.jar;xmlpublic.jar;xws4j-binding-test.jar;xws4j-current.jar;rt.jar" The BatchBinder will create a new folder in the specified target directory (c:/my-binding-files/). The created folder name depends on the service and function name it was created for; it also contains a "time stamp" in milliseconds because (to be pragmatic) the XML Schemata of a function sometimes change: <targetDirectory>/<serviceJID>#<functionName>%<time-stamp>/ Example: c:\my-binding-files\database.server.example.com#getProteinSequence%1225741713234\ The created folder contains a /src and a /bin folder. The /src folder contains all auto-generated Java source files. The /bin folder contains the .class files if <compileSrc> was true and a folder with the name /schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans that contains .xsb files. In the Java project... xws4j client stub generation depends on XMLBeans. Therefore beside the Java source code files (and packages) within the /src folder the /bin folder must be in the classpath because XMLBeans needs the .xsb files in "packaged" schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans. Now the following code illustrates how the auto-generated XMPP service binding would be used: